Cabaret Voltaire, Swiss Institute, and Lenz are happy to launch the artist’s book Emmy Hennings / Sitara Abuzar Ghaznawi with a celebration, screenings, and readings at Cabaret Voltaire.
Emmy Hennings / Sitara Abuzar Ghaznawi brings together the first translations in English of poems and writing by Emmy Hennings (b. 1885, d. 1948) with the work of Zurich-based artist Sitara Abuzar Ghaznawi (b. 1995). Hennings, co-founder of Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich (with Hugo Ball) was a performer, artist, and writer whose work has received little visibility until relatively recently. Ghaznawi created frames and encounters for Hennings's writing through collages, sculptures, and new writing by members of her artistic community. This afternoon event will feature screenings from the book’s contributors and readings of Hennings’ texts.
Emmy Hennings / Sitara Abuzar Ghaznawi
eds. Simon Castets, Salome Hohl, Eva Kenny, Laura McLean-Ferris
Published by Swiss Institute and Cabaret Voltaire, in collaboration with Lenz
With texts and contributions by: Sitara Abuzar Ghaznawi, Timur Akhmetov, Simon Castets, Olamiju Fajemisin, Emmy Hennings, Salome Hohl, Shamiran Istifan, Semuel Lala, Nils Amadeus Lange, Laura McLean-Ferris, Furqat Palvan-Zade, Sophia Rohwetter, Ser Serpas, Ian Wooldridge, Michael Zimmermann.
Graphic design: Dan Solbach
128 pages
48 images (b/w)
ISBN 979-12-80579-36-2
20 EUR / CHF